How To Compose A Good Research Paper Literature Review: 5 Suggestions

The literature review is the outcome of an individual’s learning and the assumption that one makes based on the accumulated knowledge. When you are composing it ensure that the sources are credible. Remember, a positive review always boosts the reader’s confidence and this can happen only if the researcher has employed a mix of professionalism, intense background research while showcasing his ability.

What you should consider while writing an eminent quality research paper literature review. 5 suggestions-

  1. Such literature reviews shows the connection between prior study work and the current projects on which research is going on. A high quality research paper integrates and summarizes the best known practices in any specific area. It extracts and synthesizes various results their relevance.
  2. When you compose a paper, take care of some other elements like plotting, characters, settings, point of views, its theme etc. Apart from that other significant assets are its atmosphere and complications of events in chronological or linear flow. Some other elements like conflicts arising from the opposition, turning point in the story’s climax, spatial, emotional events, usage of flashbacks, foreshadowing, framing of story, use of metaphors also play a highly significant role in any review writing of a literature. They will offer the direction to the future study. A good research paper review should stimulate new ideas suggesting hypothesis reinventing the wheel.
  3. Always write any review based on any literature type- if it is context review, self study review, historical review, theoretical review, methodological review or integrative review. Your document review should represent the state of art in reference to any particular question or person. The raw data should be transformed into a critical piece of information. It should be written in an organized way approaching the problem directly. You should identify all the areas of argument in the literature and synthesize the conclusion based on the summary of what is known earlier.
  4. Always divide the reviews in section format that represents themes and sub topics. You can also write the review based on the existing trends.
  5. Check out the outline. Title page should include the author’s name, the affiliations, their contact information etc. Write the abstract based on the keywords. Write mind absorbing beginning when you write the introduction. Followed by it write review of the literature. Write few lines about the current study. Write about the methodology that you opted. State the results. Draw analysis based on the results stated. Discuss your findings and the results drawn. Draw a conclusion thereby. Refer to the directions that you would like to state for future study. Enclose all the references used. Appendices should be saved.

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