Creating A Winning Title For A Research Paper On Racism: 10 Suggestions

Coming up with an outstanding headline for your upcoming paper on racism is no easy task. However, there are quite a few ways to tackle this situation. In this post, we provide some clues on how to create an eye-catching heading for your research paper. Hopefully, some of these suggestions will help you come up with a winning title for your article.

  1. Compare and contrast related papers online. First, you should take a look at the latest academic documents on this topic and related subjects. By doing so, you will be saving time in the creation process and you may come up with interesting ideas for your research paper.
  2. Ask your mates or teachers for opinions. In addition, you should ask your teacher for some opinions on this issue. You may also talk to some friends who have or don't have the same assignment. Explain what the project is about and commentate the possible titles for the article.
  3. Look for recent papers on this subject. Another good advice is to download some papers on racism. After reading the abstracts, you may get a proper idea about what is expected from the title. If you are interested in some particular topic, you should read a few papers before starting the creation process and the required research of your own.
  4. Read reviews on racism. Furthermore, read some new online or find a newspaper which has reviews on this topic. You may find quite a few news on the Internet in a matter of seconds.
  5. Has there been any out-of-the-ordinary event recently? If there has been any event related to racism recently, you may focus on finding out the details.
  6. Work on the title: find the correct words. You should try out a first approach to the title and focus on refining the word structure as much as possible.
  7. Make your own version of a well-known quotation. Have you heard of any good speech about racism? If you have, pick some ideas which may be of help for you.
  8. Find your personal style / approach to the topic. Which is your own insight on this subject? Focus on having some clue ideas on what you want to say before writing and researching about the topic.
  9. Eye-catching vs controversial. You may prefer one of this styles in your title. The former attracts as many readers as possible and the latter states a controversial topic.
  10. Racism nowadays. There is a a lot to be done in order to achieve equality in our society. You should keep in mind that your article is meant to have a positive effect in this process.

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