Research Paper Topics On World Literature – 20 Intriguing Ideas

Having to write research papers on World Literature Topics is very interesting but can also be challenging to find the right topic to write about. The best topic to choose would be one you are familiar with and one that interests you. While World literature can be a very vast subject, remember that there are a million topics for you to choose from and not restricted to a particular subject. The easiest way to approach your paper is to divide the topic into major divisions and consider each part individually. Some of the topics you could consider are:

Here is a list of topics that could be used for your research paper:

  1. How the World War has affected the German Culture.
  2. The effects of Marxism on the Russian Culture.
  3. The African Cultures which were dominant in a particular era.
  4. Middle Eastern Literature and the important deciding factors.
  5. Compare the European Literature and the Chinese Literature during the middle ages.
  6. The Contributions of Muslim Philosophers in World Literature to New Inventions.
  7. A Character Analysis of Hamlet and Macbeth.
  8. Give Insight to famous Shakespeare works.
  9. Truth and Blindness in Oedipus- An Analysis.
  10. An in-depth sketching of Gilgamesh.
  11. Discuss on Dawkins’ arguments against the existence of God.
  12. Expand on the concepts and acceptance of Myths.
  13. Analyze the three major forms of government with its advantages and disadvantages.
  14. Discuss the use of visual symbols by Ibsen in “A Doll’s House”.
  15. The Psychology and Subconscious in “A Doll’s House”.
  16. An insight into “Siddhartha” by Herman Hesse.
  17. The various views on the term “Terrorist” and the involvement of different races.
  18. Discuss your comprehension of the Plot, Setting and Characters on the book “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe.
  19. Compare and contrast on the characters of “Night” by Elliot Wiesel.
  20. Voice out the possibilities of an alternate to the structure of “In My Hands: Memories of a Holocaust”.

Now that you have selected your topic for World Literature, choose the perfect working hypothesis. Gather all data that could support your subject from the Internet as well as the library. Make sure that you have done a thorough research on the subject and cover all angles on your topic. Give your topic an apt title and divide your paper into subdivisions, each highlighting your opinion, while contrasting and comparing the author or subject’s point of view.

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