What makes a strong conclusion paragraph for a research paper

The conclusion is where you wrap everything up. The conclusion is often mistaken as a boring and useless area that students rush to finish. Many students will take their introductory paragraph and just rephrase it for the conclusion. They will only make an effort to ensure their thesis statement is reworded somehow.

Many students struggle with this point. This either fail to recognize that this is their final chance to leave an impression on their reader or they succumb to the pressure of it and freeze. In any case this is in fact the last place for you as the writer to leave an impression on your readers. That is why it needs to be effective and logical.

It is not uncommon for students to write their conclusion and then revise it multiple times over. The conclusion is important because it:

It needs to remind the reader of the new evidence that you presented in the body of your text.

Remember to avoid a few mistakes such as:

No new information should be presented at this time and yet many students try and work something in there. Why? Because they have an extra line or thought or statistic that did not fit within the body of the text. So instead of letting it go to waste they toss it into the end . Instead you should focus on synthesizing the entirety of your paper and coming to a conclusion concerning the information.

It can be quite helpful for students to think of their paper as a complete argument they are having with a friend or a classmate. The same way you would need to give them some background to your argument and then make a closing statement you will need to include a background and closing statement in your essay. You wouldn’t argue something with a friend by jumping right into the middle. So don’t write that way either.

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